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NBCC were pleased to interview Cees Maat, founder of PayingIt International.

Payingit International specialises in international payroll and employment solutions. They make it easy to hire highly skilled migrants from around the world, always compliant with Dutch labour and tax law. They are the one-stop shop for expats and hirers.

Payingit International is about a personal approach, open communication, and always being one step ahead of the rest. They are a fast-growing company and will celebrate many more successes with its committed team in the coming years.

Can you tell us about Payingit International?

Payingit International is a Dutch employment agency that specializes in international payroll and employment solutions and is the IND recognised sponsor. We offer immigration services for highly skilled migrants from all over the world. We arrange sponsorships, visas and permits required to travel and work in the Netherlands. Also, Payingit International offers services for both – national and international companies who want to step into the Dutch labour market and hire talents from around the globe.

Here is the link to our website:

What is special about the company? Why might a client want to come to you for help?

Send your employees from UK (or another non-EU country) to work in the Netherlands

Because of our special relationship with the IND, we have acquired the status of recognised sponsor. Through this sponsorship, we are willing to hire expats and loan them out to non-sponsored companies in the Netherlands. Therefore, expats can work for any company in the Netherlands, whereas Payingit International acts as an intermediary between the hirer and the expat (employee from UK). This solution can help companies starting to do business in the Netherlands.

How big is the NL - UK market for you?

UK market is considerably large for us. We have already been collaborating with many companies from the United Kingdom. We perceive UK as a country geographically and culturally close to the Netherlands. We recognize many business opportunities that arise from the fact that there are no language barriers for the UK companies coming to the Netherlands due to high English proficiency in Holland, high level of tolerance towards different cultures in both the Netherlands and the UK, transparent business culture and common social principles in both countries, based on the same values of Western democracy.

What are some of the market challenges Payingit International are currently facing and how are you overcoming these?

A volatile labour market and high employee turnover are consequences of the excessively globalized and technologically advanced society we live in. Working in fast paced, rapidly changing setting, could be demanding to follow up from time to time. Nonetheless, by constantly evolving professionally as a company, we can manage to minimize the risk of being caught off guard when these unexpected market concussions occur. In connection with that, a strong presence in many different markets (like UK), could assist us in overcoming these challenges.

How does Payingit maintain producing quality?

Paying International provides transparent, all-inclusive fees, prompt and direct communication with the high level of customer satisfaction and years of experience in the field. A wide range of partners from our network could assist with all the accompanying challenges highly skilled migrants encounter when they move to the Netherlands, like housing, tax advice, soft-landing and all the other expats related issues.

If have inquiries or you want to know more about their services, you can emailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Why did you join NBCC?

We think that we could contribute to the deepening of economic cooperation between the UK and the Netherlands in the future. We see tremendous opportunities in the UK market. As a result of Brexit, many UK companies have been establishing entities in the Netherlands, which provided the opportunity for an organization like ours, to guide these companies when choosing a suitable employment solution for their employees in the Netherlands. To summarize, we could assist both UK and Dutch companies with employment solutions for their employees in the Netherlands, primarily with a Highly Skilled Migrant Visa.

What are your plans for future growth that you can share with NBCC members?

Our company is growing at a fast pace, mainly through our vision regarding customer service, low-maintenance HR and financial risk services. Within the Payingit Group, we have 3 growing labels. We are also long term investment in sustainable housing and M&A. Through this diversification we are able to grow steadily and sustainable.

In one of our labels, we are developing our own HR Platform for our direct clients, strategic partners, tempting agencies and highly skilled migrants. This platform as a service will happily be launched in Q2, after 24 months of development. Through this service, we can work even more predictable and scalable.

As for Payingit International, we mainly grow through our service and extensive partner network. We have long, good and sufficient relationships with top governmental organizations and the best immigration law firms, corporate mobility firms and short- and long-term housing companies. This network is self-reliant and highly accountable because of the high demands of each partner. We could definitely introduce you to our network, to help you land and grow in the Netherlands.

Every week, we put “Members in the spotlight” to introduce them to our members. Do you have a good story to tell? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!